The Departure & Approach Procedures (DAP) are a compilation of instrument procedure charts for Australia, including aerodrome charts and noise abatement procedures where applicable.
The DAP East covers the states of Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania as well as the ACT. I've added an exam option if your doing the IREX exam and need the charts and ERSA.
The DAP East can be purchased a couple of ways..
The DAP East Text in a Binder
The DAP East Amendment Service with 4 updates a year starting from the next cycle.
Or the DAP East Text on its own with no binder typically you want to start a fresh with new contents
Or you just want the latest amendment to bring your DAP's if you didn't receive the current amendment for some reason.
If your doing the exam and need the current maps select add to cart IREX Exam Pack includes all current maps
and add to cart the latest ERSA
Select options from drop down menu including contents only and more.